



買書Advanced Engineering Mathematics(SI Edition)(Custom Solutions)(8版)哪裡買最省錢,現在實體店面越來越少,是因為在網路上買Advanced Engineering Mathematics(SI Edition)(Custom Solutions)(8版)反而比較便宜,又不用特別坐車花時間到外面買Advanced Engineering Mathematics(SI Edition)(Custom Solutions)(8版),所以可以上網路書局來多多比較Advanced Engineering Mathematics(SI Edition)(Custom Solutions)(8版)的價格,超商取貨或宅配都很方便喔!

Advanced Engineering Mathematics(SI Edition)(Custom Solutions)(8版)

Advanced Engineering Mathematics(SI Edition)(Custom Solutions)(8版)

Advanced Engineering Mathematics(SI Edition)(Custom Solutions)(8版)

Advanced Engineering Mathematics(SI Edition)(Custom Solutions)(8版)



商品訊息描述: 信用卡機場接送優惠.出國旅費刷卡分期

1.Most Course Organizations: Seven distinctive parts clearly focus and differentiate the mathematical ideas and methods while giving you the flexibility to select the sections best suited for your course and student needs.

2.Detailed Examples Illustrate the Use of Notation and the Theory: The numerous examples clarify notation, theory and the underlying computations, followed by the numerical calculations themselves.

3.Specialized and Advanced Topics Added as Web Modules: In order to broaden coverage while keeping the length and cost of the book down, certain topics have been added as convenient web modules rather than appearing in the printed text. These modules include applications of complex analysis to the Dirichlet problem and to inverses of Laplace transforms, Lyapunov functions, the discrete Fourier transform, Maxwell’s equations, numerical methods for solving differential equations, LU factoring of matrices, limit cycles for systems of differential equations, and models of plane fluid flow.


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Advanced Engineering Mathematics(SI Edition)(Custom Solutions)(8版)
